I always tell myself I can do anything I want to do. So far I have. I don't think there has ever been an instance where I've wanted to do something so bad and I've failed at it. Well except for riding a bike. Still haven't gotten that down. Maybe that makes me a brat (not the riding a bike thing, the getting everything I want thing), I don't know, some people think so. I think it makes me headstrong. Some people think that's the same thing as being a brat. Screw them. I'm gonna go travel the world.
There's this quote about being in your twenty's that goes something about how they're the best years of your life, your selfish years. Something like that. I'm starting my twenty's off with a bang. Ireland here I come!
With only a couple weeks left before I leave for four months I've been scrambling like mad to get everything done. You'd be amazed at how much stuff you have to do in order to leave the country. And how much everything cost! It's completely insane. Yet for some reason I can't get my lazy ass out of bed. I've mostly packed up my apartment, yet you'd be amazed at how much clothing I have. Well, maybe you wouldn't be amazed if you actually knew me...
Today it's 106 degress and slightly humid. I love when people take pictures of the weather report on their iphones and post it on facebook. Absolutely LOVE it. It's not like I don't know how hot it is outside. It's not like I can't just walk outside and be like Holy Crap I can literally fry an egg on the side walk today and I have to move all my stuff in this weather. So for all of my lovely, wonderful friends on facebook who like to be weathermen: screw you.
I know I'm going to look back on this and laugh at myself. I think this summer heat is getting to me. Arizona summers are the all time worst. My mom keeps telling me, "just wait till you get to Africa".